From June 2016 to January 2017, I was a Research Fellow in the area of Education in sub-Saharan Africa at the Robert Bosch Academy Berlin. For my research project on competence-based and student-centred educational reforms and teacher training, I conducted research visits to Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo. As a conclusion to the project, I co-organised an international symposium with Akiiki Babyesiza on the topic of learner-centred education, innovation and research in schools and universities in sub-Saharan Africa.
Category / Education
Funded by / Robert Bosch Academy
Time / 2016–2017
Place / Berlin
Photo / Robert Bosch Academy, Ausserhofer
Publications / further information
/ Personal page at the Academy
/ Roundtable Debate: Schools and Universities in Sub-Saharan Africa. What space for learner-centered education, innovation and research? Organised by Akiiki Babyesiza and Sarah Fichtner, 19.1.2017.
/ Kathryn Anderson-Levitt, Stéphane Bonnéry & Sarah Fichtner (2017): (English version) Introduction to the dossier. »Competence-based« approaches as »traveling« reforms: Ideas, trajectories and practices in implementation. In: Cahiers de la Recherche sur l’Education et les Savoirs 16, S. 27–45.
Other projects
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Lektorat / Copy Editing — Karen Matzke